Headshots of Erin S. DeMartino, MD, Debra DeBruin, PhD, Joel Wu, JD, MPH, MA, HEC-C, and Sarah Kesler, MD, MPA

The Minnesota Critical Care Working Group 1: Monitoring and Coordinating Statewide Critical Care Surge Response in the COVID-19 pandemic, March 2020 Through July 1, 2021

Erin S. DeMartino, MD, Debra DeBruin, PhD, Joel Wu, JD, MPH, MA, HEC-C, and Sarah Kesler, MD, MPA, have co-authored the CHEST Journal article: “The Minnesota Critical Care Working Group 1: Monitoring and coordinating statewide critical care surge response in the COVID-19 pandemic, March 2020 through July 1, 2021.”