Mini Bioethics Academy | Opioid Addiction in America: Where do we stand?

Opioid Addiction in America: Where do we stand?


How did the opioid epidemic become a major killer in Minnesota? More Minnesotans die from opioid overdoses than in traffic accidents! In this healthiest of states, some Minnesota groups have the highest rates of opioid overdose deaths in the nation. Attendees engaged in a lively discussion of how Minnesota got to this point (national and state trends) and learned what opioids and emerging synthetics are driving the increases in deaths, addiction, and newborns needing help.  



Dana Farley is the Alcohol and Drug Prevention Policy Director for the Minnesota Department of Health. Mr. Farley provides substance abuse policy leadership, planning, and content expertise throughout the Department of Health. He is also a member of the state Opioid Prescribing Work Group. He has been working in drug education/prevention since 1988 with experience working in Community Mental Health as an outpatient counselor and program coordinator.