
Graphic for the event with date and time. Date Feb.7 and Time 12-1 p.m. CST

Environmental Injustice: The Clinical and Ethical Implications of Our Unhealthy Environments

  • Keisha Ray, PhD
Our health is largely determined by our social environments and that includes our physical environments. Our health is directly impacted by the location of oil and gas facilities, the amount of plastics and carcinogens in our drinking…
Graphic for the event with date and time. Date Feb.25 and Time 12-1 p.m. CST

How Can a Patient Be Dead While Their Heart Still Beats? Addressing Ethical Challenges in the Determination of “Brain Death”/Death by Neurological Criteria

  • Margy McCullough-Hicks, MD, University of Minnesota.
  • Joel Wu, JD, MPH, MA, HEC-C, University of Minnesota.
The determination of a person’s death is an important process involving both medical and societal considerations. Controversy and confusion regarding the determination of death by neurologic criteria persist at the bedside, in the…