Faculty & Staff

Core Faculty

Debra DeBruin
Director, Director of Graduate Studies, and Associate Professor
Jaime Konerman-Sease
Clinical Ethics Assistant Professor
Headshot of Justin Penny
Clinical Ethics Assistant Professor
Joel Wu, JD, MPH, MA, HEC-C headshot
Clinical Ethics Assistant Professor

Affiliate Faculty

Hans-Peter de Ruiter
Professor, School of Nursing, College of Allied Health and Nursing, Minnesota State University Mankato
Headshot of Dr. Erin S. DeMartino
Internist, Pulmonologist, Mayo Clinic
Sarah Gollust
Professor, Division of Health Policy & Management, School of Public Health, UMN
Daniel Groll, PhD
Professor of Philosophy & Department Chair, Carleton College
Rachel Hardeman headshot
Professor & Blue Cross Endowed Professor of Health & Racial Equity, Division of Health Policy & Management, School of Public Health, UMN
Joan Henriksen
Senior Clinical Ethicist, Allina Health
Headshot of Prof. Elaine Hsieh
Professor and Chair, Communication Studies, College of Liberal Arts, UMN
Headshot of Sarah Kesler, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine; Critical Care Physician, UMN Medical Center; ICU Triage and Telemedicine Director MHealth Fairview
Headshot of Prof. Amos Laar
Professor of Public Health Nutrition in the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health, University of Ghana
Headshot of Prof. JP Leider
Associate Professor, Division of Health Policy & Management; Director, Center for Public Health Systems, School of Public Health, UMN
Dennis Lunt, PhD
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Department of Humanities, Bemidji State University
Headshot of Prof. Catherine McCarthy
Associate Dean for Research, Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Biobehavioral Health, UMN Duluth
Headshot of Prof. Christopher Michaelson
Opus Distinguished Professor of Principled Leadership; Professor, Ethics & Business Law, University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business
Ruth Mickelsen
Senior Lecturer, Health Policy & Management, School of Public Health, UMN
Ryan H. Nelson headshot
Clinical Ethicist, Abbott Northwestern Hospital
Laura Palombi
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice & Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, UMN Duluth
Thaddeus Pope
Professor of Law, School of Law, Mitchell Hamline University
Don Postema
Program Director of Medical Bioethics, HealthPartners; Emeritus Professor, Department of Philosophy, College of Arts & Sciences, Bethel University
David J. Satin, MD
Distinguished U Teaching Prof, Compliance Officer & Risk Mgmt Leader, Family Medicine & Community Health, Faculty Advisor & Co-Director of Courses Health Systems Science, Co-Director Rothenberger Executive Physician Leadership Academy, UMN Medical School
Headshot of Miriam Shapiro
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UMN Medical School
Tim Stratton
Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice & Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, UMN Duluth
William Sveen
Assistant Professor, Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine; Faculty, Department of Pediatrics
Headshot of Prof. Ian Wolfe
Director of Ethics, Clinical Ethics Department, Children's Minnesota; Community Instructor Faculty, Department of Pediatrics, U of MN Medical School; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Pediatric Ethics
Headshot of Elizabeth Wrigley Field
Associate Professor, Sociology; Faculty member, Minnesota Population Center, UMN

Emeritus Faculty


LeeAnne Hoekstra

LeeAnne Hoekstra

Administrative Aide
Inam Mahuz headshot
Communications and Events Coordinator
Andrea Martin

Andrea Martin

Administrative Director