Researcher, ethicist, and public health advocate Amos Laar, PhD, connects the dots between HIV and the social, cultural, ethical and human rights issues systemically integrated with the disease in Ghana.
For his MA, Laar's completed a masters' thesis in 2014 on ethically appropriate responses to HIV in Ghana. Laar was recently featured in the Lancet's Diabetes and Endocrinology Journal for his nutrition work on regulating unhealthy foods in Ghana.
This talk brings a social public health perspective to Ghana’s national response to HIV with a focus on how these variables contribute to HIV transmission as well as disease and implementation outcomes. Laar is a native of Ghana with academic training in Nutrition, Public Health as well as an MA in Bioethics from the University of Minnesota.
This event was co-sponsored by the Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility and the School of Public Health.
Amos Laar, MA, Associate Professor, University of Ghana | Professor Amos Laar has academic training in Nutrition, Public Health, and Bioethics. In his independent scholarship, he draws on theoretical and methodological perspectives from the social sciences, bioethics, and public health to understand how physical environment, social environment, and the macro-environment affect health. Currently, his research focuses on two distinct, yet related areas of public health: bioethics (research ethics, ethics & public health; health & human rights); public health nutrition (food environment and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases).