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Fixing Medical Devices That Are Biased against Race or Gender

"We don't think of everyday devices as biased against race or gender, but they can be..." Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH discusses computational biases and building diversity in research. 
Open books arranged around each other

New Article: Ethical issues concerning a pay-to-participate stem cell study

Leigh Turner, PhD co-wrote the recently published an article in the Stem Cells Translational Medicine Journal. Turner’s current research addresses ethical, legal, and social issues related to stem cells and regenerative medicine products. 
Person with a mask on staring at a laptop screen in the dark

How Ashish Jha became network TV's everyman expert on COVID

Sarah Gollust, PhD comments on the rise of a public health experts' fame on TV in a horrifying emergency.
Police in a standoff with riot gear on and an urban landscape behind them

'In our DNA': Police violence, racism plague Black maternal health

The research of Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH is mentioned.
Headshot of Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH

Bush Foundation names 16 Minnesotans to competitive 2021 fellowship program

A corrections officer in Stillwater, an assistant Hennepin County attorney and an associate professor at the University of Minnesota [including Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH] are among 16 Minnesotans with bold plans to boost justice and equity…
Police in riot gear in a standoff

Less lethal, life changing

Less-lethal weapons are still dangerous, medical researchers say. Brooke Cunningham, MD, PhD and colleagues track "a disturbing pattern" in the police use of projectiles during the the unrest after the murder of George Floyd. 
A dark empty hall with a bright question mark at the end

When the Line Between Life and Death Is ‘a Little Bit Fuzzy’

Every state recognizes brain death. But rules vary, and the true line separating life from death is ambiguous as ever. Thaddeus Mason Pope, JD, PhD, HEC-C discusses the line between life and death. 
Face mask and a magnifying glass

Asian-American leaders fault MDH for failing to release data on COVID deaths in Hmong community

A new report driven by Asian-American community advocates and U of MN professors - including JP Leider, PhD - highlights how especially dangerous COVID has been for the Southeast Asian community, and for Hmong residents in particular. 
The word COVID-19 handwritten in a random manner

In Minnesota, vaccine campaign puts new spotlight on an old metric

Two million Minnesotans are fully vaccinated, however, only 11% are Minnesotans of color. To address the gap, the supplies will be allocated based on the "Social Vulnerability Index." JP Leider, PhD comments.
Empty Hall of a hospital

Pharmacy Vaccine Waste; Dementia Gene Therapy; Maryland Pushed Bad COVID Tests

Six dementia patients may have gone to Mexico to test an unproven gene therapy, lured by promises of participating in a trial of a therapy proponents think could treat their disease. Leigh Turner, PhD comments on the credibility of the…