Registration Resources

Bioethics (BTHX) Courses Registration

Registration information for all University of Minnesota courses.

One Stop Student Services can answer specific questions

Graduate students seeking graduate credit:
If you are currently enrolled in a graduate program and seeking graduate credit, you will need to establish credit requirement and transfer information with the school you are enrolled in.

Graduate School

Contact the Graduate School

If you are currently a professional not seeking either undergraduate or graduate credit, you may register through the College of Continuing and Education (CCE).

College of Continuing Education (CCE)

CCE Office: 612-624-4000 or 1-800-234-6564

Any class on campus is available to be taken through the CCE whether seeking graduate credit, undergraduate credit or no credit. The tuition and fees are the same as going through a college or program, but the benefit is that if you do not need student status, registration is less involved.


Senior Citizen Education Program (SCEP)

Students age 62 or over may register for credit for any course for $10/credit; may audit a course for no fee. Learn more about the Senior Citizen Education Program (SCEP)