Areas of interest: decision making in pediatric critical illness, physician responsibility and team work, and health equity
Dr. Shapiro joined the University of Minnesota in the Department of Pediatrics in August 2016 as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Pediatric Critical Care where she provides clinical service in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital.
Prior to joining the University of Minnesota faculty, she completed a clinical fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. At the same time, she was also a Hecht-Levi Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics where she produced: “Professional Responsibility, Consensus, and Conflict: A Survey of Physician Decisions for the Chronically Critically Ill in Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Units” (Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2017), exploring how neonatologists and pediatric critical care physicians approach difficult decisions for children with chronic critical illness.
"Becoming affiliate faculty at the Center for Bioethics will provide me with opportunities for academic growth within a bioethics context, the support of an intellectual community focused on bioethics, and the opportunity to contribute to the pediatric bioethics expertise of the Center." -Dr. Miriam Shapiro
Dr. Shapiro is a member of the University of Minnesota Medical Center Ethics Committee and has been active in ethics education. She has facilitated ethics-related small group discussions for the pediatric residency program and provided ethics related education to pediatric critical care fellows and pediatric residents rotating through the PICU. View our full list of Affiliate Faculty members here.