
A single lit birthday candle

Why You Should Celebrate Your Next Birthday Talking about Your Death

Unintentional injuries are the third highest cause of death in the US according to the CDC, killing more than 170,000 Americans every year. Sadly, preliminary data from the National Safety Council revealed a dramatic 8% increase in motor…
Counter in a hospital room with ventilator equipment

Covid patient dies at a hospital weeks after his wife sued another to keep him on a ventilator

Dr. Jennifer Needle, MD, MPH comments on crisis standards of care and mistrust of the scientific community.
Hospital ventilator tubes

Court Battle Over a Ventilator Takes a Patient From Minnesota to Texas

Thaddeus Mason Pope, JD, PhD, HEC-C, explains norms surrounding healthcare agent decision-making.
Microscopic 3D model of the corona virus COVID-19 in the halls of a hospital

'Colorblind' treatment decision won't promote racial justice

Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH criticizes the Minnesota Department of Health's recent decision to eliminate race as a factor in distributing scarce resources during the pandemic.
A gavel laid out on an open law textbook on the chapter of torture

Germany tries Syrian doctor for torture

Dr. Steve Miles, MD is interviewed about his research regarding doctors who torture.
Empty hallway of a hospital

Medical Grand Rounds: Requests for Futile and Potentially Inappropriate Treatment

Watch a recording of Clinical Ethicists' Jennifer Needle, MD, MPH, Joel Wu, JD, MPH, MA, HEC-C, and Jaime Konerman-Sease, PhD presentation on the ethics surrounding medical futility. 
An elderly person in a mask receiving a vaccine in the arm by a medical professional in a mask

How Do We Achieve Vaccine Equity?

Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH, is interviewed about the nuances of access to vaccines.
Nurse holding a clipboard with an elderly patient in a hospital bed in the background

Minnesota removes race as factor in rationing COVID-19 antibody treatment

JP Leider, PhD comments on policy decisions based on population data. 
Pregnant belly of a black person

Before These Illustrations, a Doctor Had Never Seen a Black Mom or Baby in a Textbook

Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH comments on the impact on the field of maternal health.
Image of medical students, some of color, around a table talking

Nigerian medical student's illustrations go viral for featuring Black people

Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH comments on representation in medical illustrations.