

Neighbors, June 9: "We knew this was going to happen!"

Sometimes you just can't win. As public health officials watched the COVID-19 pandemic play out on the east and west coasts, they encouraged us here in the Midwest to social distance and wear masks. Now, when we're not swamped with a wave…
People waiting in line

Explaining pandemic triage: When a picture is worth 3000 words

"Ethics and its implications for healthcare delivery under constraints of scarcity are not simple concepts, even for those working within the hea

Clinic Pushes Inhaled Stem Cell Tx, Delivered to Your Door

"In the age of social distancing, one stem cell clinic has decided to make its products -- which it strongly suggests can prevent COVID-19 -- available for home delivery. This procedure was invented during the coronavirus outbreak so…
New Book

New Book from Steve Miles, MD on Medical Torture

Professor emeritus of medicine and bioethics, Steve Miles, MD, has published a new book reviewing physician complicity with torture internationally: The Torture Doctors: Human Rights Crimes and the Road to Justice. It begins with the Nazi…
Miriam Shapiro

Dr. Miriam Shapiro joins the Center for Bioethics as an Affiliate Faculty Member

The Center for Bioethics welcomes the addition of Pediatrics' Assistant Professor Miriam Shapiro, MD to our list of Affiliate faculty members. Dr. Shapiro works on the ethical issues inherent in pediatric chronic critical illness. The care…
Joel Wu

Welcome Joel Wu as Clinical Ethics Adjunct Professor!

The Center for Bioethics is excited to call Joel Wu, JD, MPH, MA, HEC-C our Clinical Ethics Adjunct professor! Wu has been an affiliate faculty member of the Center since 2018. In this new position, Joel will be supporting our clinical…
Carl Elliot

Carl Elliott, MD, PhD, receives Public Scholar award

Congratulations to Carl Elliott, MD, PhD for his Public Scholar award by the National Endowment for the Humanities!